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Golden arches at Machu Picchu

Best Month to Visit Machu Picchu

When Should You Visit And Trek Machu Picchu?

The best month to visit Machu Picchu is probably June. July and August are also great timing to visit Machu Picchu.  What makes the period from May through September ideal for hiking the Inca Trail or visit the ruins is that it does not rain.

June, the best month to visit Machu Picchu, is at the beginning of the dry season.  During the Peruvian winter, it does not rain, making your trip a dry experience. Also, the temperature in the Andes during the day ranges between 62 F to 66 F degrees. Early mornings do tend to be a bit colder. 

The shoulder season months with limited rainy days, are from April to May and October to November.  December through March is the rainy season.  

Besides the great weather with amazing blue skies, June still shows a bit of green throughout the Andes. After months of daily rains (December to March, the low season), the mountains near Cusco and the Sacred Valley display a beautiful green.  Later in the winter and due to a lack of rain, the scenery seems more “brown” and dry.

June also hosts the famous Inti Raymi festival every June 24th.  The festival is a famous Inca tradition, where Cusco honors the sun with a large number of festivities and events. The sun was an essential part of the Inca religion.  “Mother Earth” (Pacha Mama) and the sun represented the essential parts of life within the Inca culture.

Early planning to select the activities you will include during your visit to Machu Picchu is very important.  Not only because there are limited passes allowed each day for sale, but also because you want to hike to Huayna Picchu (200 passes/day), the mountain behind the citadel. If passes are not available, you can get passes for Machu Picchu mountain (400 passes/day)

Why is it best to travel to Machu Picchu between May and September?

Given that rain is limited during May and September, this time of the year is also great to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.  The trail can only be accessed as part of a group led by authorized tour operators.  

There is a limited number of passes available for hikers – only 200 per day for tourists.  Inca Trail permits sell out about 5 months in advance. Make sure to buy yours on time. Click the following link to view our top Inca Trail tours to Machu Picchu.  You can trek to the ruins during the low season, but keep in mind that the Inca Trail is closed during the month of February for maintenance.

Ship Categories


Exquisite cruising experience, featuring top-notch amenities and personalized services. Plush accommodations, gourmet dining, and an excellent staff-to-guest ratio.

first class

High-quality cruising experience with a balance of comfort and luxury. Well-appointed cabins, a variety of dining options, numerous onboard activities, and attentive service.

mid-range class

Comfortable cruising experience with a balance between affordability and quality amenities. Ships offer cozy accommodations, a range of dining options, and a good assortment of activities. 

tourist class

Enjoyable cruising experience with basic amenities and services. They provide clean and comfortable accommodations and standard dining options.

budget class

Most affordable cruising option. While amenities and services are basic, these ships still offer clean accommodations and simple dining options.

About Your Adventure

Activity Levels

level 1 - easier

Activities: scenic drives, canoe rides, walks up to 1 hour. Trail conditions: cobblestones, pavement, gravel, or dirt paths. Some days require extended walking.


Most travelers can join level 2 adventures without prior experience. Being generally fit is important. Activities include short hikes up to 3 hours, sea kayaking in calm waters, and rafting on Class I-II rapids.


Includes 3-6 hours of daily physical activity, like rafting and wilderness camping. Hikes cover 8-10 miles, including steep ascents or descents. Rafting features Class III rapids.


Hikes up to 14 miles. Rugged terrain, exposure risk, altitudes over 10,000 ft. Rafting: Class IV-V rapids. Kayaking: 4-5 hrs daily, open water with waves and tides.

LEVEL 5 - extreme

For experienced adventurers. Trekking without vehicle support in rugged terrain above 10,000 feet. Long hikes, up to 12 hours, with significant altitude changes. Rafting in: Class IV-V rapids. Experience and doctor's certificate required.